Design hiding the words Line upon line

Here a Little

I love this one! And the photo I took of it does not do it justice.

We cannot download knowledge or have information indexed in our brain like computers. We have to learn one day at a time, piece by piece.

This design is divided three ways.

  1. First, the main message of the design. Can you read it? The full design is an actual message. It is intended to be a bit hidden, with the meaning being that someone must either point it out to you, or you must due your due diligence to discover what it is. The message is always there, but you must see it with the right perspective.

  2. Second, the left side of the design is dedicated to spiritual knowledge and the right side is dedicated to science, the arts, and physical knowledge. Within every box rectangle and square is written something to learn (sadly the camera did not pick those up). Even so, you must stand close to the design to be able to see and read them. The idea being that you must engage yourself to truly learn.

  3. Third, the idea that multiple pieces of knowledge are often needed to understand a greater whole. We must learn piece by piece, block by block. For example, one cannot fully read unless they know the entire alphabet. Yes, the full English alphabet is included in this design.

This design is for sale. Contact Tyler if you are interested in acquiring this design!

Artwork by Tyler Mower