

In this Historical Fiction, join Simon of Cyrene's business endeavor to expand his burgeoning trade across the Roman Empire. Everything hinges on successfully acquiring key contracts in Jerusalem. Yet, things don’t go as planned. What happens to Simon when everything shatters as he is compelled to carry the cross for a man named Jesus?

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In this Historical Fiction, join Simon of Cyrene's business endeavor to expand his burgeoning trade across the Roman Empire. Everything hinges on successfully acquiring key contracts in Jerusalem. Yet, things don’t go as planned. What happens to Simon when everything shatters as he is compelled to carry the cross for a man named Jesus?

In this Historical Fiction, join Simon of Cyrene's business endeavor to expand his burgeoning trade across the Roman Empire. Everything hinges on successfully acquiring key contracts in Jerusalem. Yet, things don’t go as planned. What happens to Simon when everything shatters as he is compelled to carry the cross for a man named Jesus?

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Day Of

Friday, April 3—8:10 am

A minute passed. The next few hours he knew would alter his life. This fact seared into his soul. It was a gut feeling, an instinct that filled his being. Change within him had already begun. He was now a different man than when he had awakened. He knew this because of the situation he was in and the gaze that was searching his soul.

Their presence had never been shared; their eyes had never met. Though turmoil surrounded them, in this moment the commotion vanished. The pressing crowd, the noisy city, and dust all melted away. Nothing remained but the small patch of ground where they stood.

He became incredibly self-conscious. Not of his clothing or appearance, but of his character. No longer was he sure of himself, who he was, his purpose in life, or the work he held so important. The concerns and duties of the day fled from his mind. All that remained was the uncomfortable gaze. Those eyes made him agitated and desirous to flee. He wished he could fade into the crowd and become an insignificant individual among the throng.

No glance had ever caused him to question so much about himself. Entering his eyes, it expanded to his mind and heart. It filled his being. It uncovered his secrets, revealed his intentions, found his faults, and understood his opinions, desires, hopes, and dreams. Somehow these were unlocked and shared without a word being said. This left him feeling vulnerable and exposed. There was nothing he could hide behind. No lie or deception could mask his inner conscience. Everything about him was an open book.

Strangely, he felt calm. The initial worry of being so completely understood was replaced by wonder. He longed to know how, through a simple look, so much information was revealed about himself. Further, he was shocked to find gratitude bridging the gap between their eyes. It made no sense. More curious still: without a spoken word he was being strengthened; not physically, but emotionally and mentally. It was like his whole being was broken down piece-by-piece and then put back together, stronger than it had been before.

He did not know what the outcome of this situation would be. The day, which had begun hopeful and bright, had turned incredibly bleak. Yet, in the eyes that stared at him, he saw peace and kindness. A faint flame of hope flickered inside. Somehow everything would be okay.

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