The Upper Subway - Zion NP, Utah

The Upper Subway - Zion NP, Utah

Landscape Photography

From mountain summits to ocean coasts, from northern tundra to scorching deserts, there is always something to explore around the next bend or over the horizon. Make sure to pause and take it in, lest you never come back this way again.

Glendalough Forest - County Wicklow, Ireland

Glendalough Forest - County Wicklow, Ireland

Botanical Photography

From the tallest tree to the smallest flower, from a desert cactus to an mountain aspen grove, plants are amazing in all their diversity. Their varying size, structure, and color never ceases to impress so long as we stop to take notice.

Eiffel Tour - Paris, France

Eiffel Tour - Paris, France

Cityscape Photography

From Tokyo to Paris, Sydney to Belfast, Shanghai to New York the cities of the world are a place to experience different cultures and amazing views. Whether in a modern or ancient city, it is fascinating to experience the way of people.

“My photography seeks to show that perfect moments are often the one you are in. Pause and enjoy!”

- Tyler G. Mower

Image taken at Gunsight Pass Uinta Mountains - Utah